Kaiman Kazazian
Self-described “Jane-of-all-trades,” artist Kaiman Kazazian works in a variety of mediums, ranging from her delightful drawings to modeling. Her innate confidence shines brightly here. I appreciate the value she places here on having a loving support network, “Everything is in the realm of possibility and nothing too daunting a task with that love and encouragement.”
How would you describe what you do?
Jane of all trades.
When is a time you felt really successful? Or a time you felt like you failed?
Well... I’m extremely hard on myself when I feel like I’m not doing enough. That's always when I think I am failing, and as creative people I'm pretty sure we all experience that. But! I feel great success when a project goes from idea, to fruition, to full circle completion. That’s my favorite thing to celebrate.
What is your biggest struggle as a person in the creative industry?
Feeling like I don’t fit in. Which is a good thing.
What is your daily routine? Your weekend routine?
Wake up, feed my cat, black coffee, Chet Baker. Open the windows, breakfast and Sailor Moon in bed. Go for a walk, wine in the evening, salmon seared in butter. Movies in bed with my lover.
How do you motivate yourself to actually get things done and/or maintain some level of productivity?
That’s actually something I really struggle with! And have since I was a young girl. I keep a planner and a diary, and if I keep everything written down there, then it’s less scrambled in my head. And if it’s less scrambled in my head, I am less stressed and inherently less depressed, honestly.
How do you manage the stress/anxiety that’s inevitable with putting yourself out there?
The fear of your greatest potential is a very real and difficult battle to overcome. I work on it all the time— there’s never a “too late” there’s only a “right now”. I have an incredible support system of dear friends, my partner, and my mother. Everything is in the realm of possibility and nothing too daunting a task with that love and encouragement.
How do you know when it’s time to rest?
My body tells me and I listen. I’m a Taurus– indulgent by nature. Bath time and self care rituals are my forte.
How do you manage the internet/social media?
It can be a real virus. Lots of information going into your brain, overloading, downloading. Over sharing. Shit from the past. Tunnels you fall into. Internet obsession. Deceptive perception. But, anytime I see something that I’m like, “what do I care?” I just go and unfollow the profile because, why not? That’s what the button is there for. At the same time, I love the opportunity to be supportive of friends and fellow artists and creators near and far, and do try to be interactive for the sake of community.
Do you collaborate, and if so, what’s your collaborative process like?
I really love collaborating! I love working with others more than working alone (which creates a love/hate relationship with drawing), but I love it most when my creative can be a leader. Growing up I was constantly told I was bossy, but my visions have always been very vivid.
What’s your big dream? Do you have one?
I have a few bold dreams but keep them secret... I greatly admire my friends who wear their dreams on their sleeve and aren’t afraid to vocalize them... Those people closest to me are actively helping me open up that part of myself.
How do you set goals/set yourself up to achieve?
Internally. For external goal setting... see above. On the other hand, I manifest very powerfully and have been aware of this since childhood. Patience and good manners play a big part in that but watching your dreams come true and pinching yourself is a really cool feeling. Then you get to move onto the next.
How do you deal with people not liking you, your ideas or being jealous of you?
I’ve never cared much about what others thought of me. I also really like myself! If someone doesn’t like me... that’s cool too, I don’t like everyone I meet either.
I have cultivated the most beautiful friendships that I cherish and water every single day... Anything petty from emotional immaturity coming from people outside of my closest circle falls off my radar very quickly.