CJ Harvey


Multi-hyphenate CJ Harvey does it all. With a thriving live music photography career, featuring portraits of artists ranging from Jack Antonoff to Cherry Glazerr, CJ also tour manages an array of bands throughout the US.  It’s evident that her enthusiasm for hard work, especially the intensity of touring so much, pays off. Her humble attitude, tenacity and thirst for a challenge take center stage here. I particularly like her final statement: “As long as I'm excited about the work I'm producing, I don't put much thought into those who may not dig my style.”

 How would you describe what you do? 

When I'm on the clock, I'm a tour manager, photographer, driver, merch-seller, and friend. 

What is your biggest struggle as a person in creative industry?

My biggest struggle is often finding the time to complete projects that are bouncing around in my head. Touring so often tends to allow unedited work to pile up until I've lost interest and moved onto the most recent creative endeavor.


What is your daily routine? Your weekend routine?

 On tour, my routine is less of weekend vs weekday, and more of show day vs travel day. On the tour I'm currently on with Post Animal, I wake up the touring party, drive us to our show, help load in, set up merch, then try to squeeze in a bit of photo editing time before doors open. After the show, I finish selling merch, settle with the promoter, and then we're on our way for the night.


How do you motivate yourself to actually get things done and/or maintain some level of productivity? 

 The fear of not being productive and my constant desire to prove myself as a young woman in a male-dominated industry are two of my greatest motivating factors.


How do you know when it’s time to rest?

 I usually can't sleep if I have work on my mind and would rather compromise hours of sleep for quality. If I'm anxious about something I need to complete or remember, I'd rather just get it out of the way with and relax after.


How do you manage the internet/social media?

 I go through waves of interest with social media, but at the end of the day, I only really care about it as a personal portfolio. A diary of sorts to look back on.


What’s your big dream? Do you have one? How do you set goals/set yourself up to achieve?

 I want to tour manage more international tours because they challenge me in ways that North America no longer does. I'd love to make it to Australia and Japan in the near future.


How do you deal with people not liking you, liking your ideas or being jealous of you?

 Everyone has different taste for all things creative. As long as I'm excited about the work I'm producing, I don't put much thought into those who may not dig my style. My personal aesthetic is constantly evolving, and I doubt anyone would love everything I make. That's not the point for me.

 for more of CJ follow her on instagram or check out her website 


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