On Valentine’s Day, february 2011
I'm not in love.
Regardless, I'd like to share a list of things I love.
Things that I love, in no order:
2. Long walks at dusk.
3. The movie Bonnie and Clyde.
4. Turquoise.
5. Long baths.
6. The song "Silver Cloud" by Alejandro Escovedo. I dance to it when I'm angry.
13. Listening to my brother play guitar in the backyard.
14. Sunlight.
15. Rain.
16. Perfect Chocolate Sheet Cake.
17. Best Chocolate Chip Cookies.
18. Getting the mail.
19. Waking up and not having to get out of bed right away.
20. This painting:
21. The book about Doughnuts my aunt and cousins sent me as an early birthday present. LOVE.
22. The fact that I am making doughnuts for my birthday.
23. My birthday.
24. Red fingernail polish.
25. Pearls.
26. Staying up late, watching movies.
27. Music.
29. Amazon.com.
30. Dorie Greenspan.
31. Reading the Sunday New York Times.
33. Being alive.
34. Hats.
35. Dancing. Especially tap dancing.
36. Tea parties.
37. Tutus.
38. Old home videos.
40. You.
Now stop wasting your time and go make something delicious.