avocado pasta (again)

Well it's been a while. 

But in my absence, I've actually done a lot! Released two albums Like a Diamond In The Rough, You Shine with SMILE and LOOSE TOOTH with Dreamboat. Needless to say, I've spent the past month or so recovering. 


I think a lot about what it means to be someone who makes things. The main thought I think about this is that it's hard. But beyond it being hard, it's been deeply gratifying. We made cds and tapes and shirts and hats that you can buy and listen to and hold in your hands. And that is such a small thing, and it is also everything. I am proud, but also in a hungry way that makes just doing it once or twice unsatisfying. I want to do everything all over again, and do it better. 

Have I been cooking? Not really. I figured out another way to cook eggplant that I really like. (Cut the eggplant in half, cut a deep crosshatch into the flesh of the eggplant, douse with olive oil and salt, bake for about 20 to 30 minutes at 400 F, or until the eggplant starts to look melty and smell good.) Lately we eat large pots of soup, and last night I made avocado pasta. I've written about avocado pasta before, but I'm going to write about it again: 

To make it, simply boil pasta as you would regularly (or add greens or veggies to the boiling water as well, just like One-Pot Pasta) while the pasta is cooking, mash several avocados with olive oil, salt and red pepper flakes until the consistency is thinner than that of guacamole. Once the pasta has cooked and drained, pour the avocado sauce on top and stir to combine. Eat immediately. This dish sounds like nothing, but when it is cold in Texas and you are hungry, it is so so good. 

I hope it's warm where you are. xo 

December 5th, 2016


most favorite green salsa

